Our Philosophy
- Missions Methodology: Our primary mission goal is serving traditional church planters on the foreign field. This is accomplished by soul winning, discipleship and leadership training that leads to indigenous church planting. ABC believes the best way to do that is to serve and work with God called men that have been trained in Independent Baptist churches, educated in Independent Baptist colleges that promote the Baptist Distinctive in planting Baptist churches around the world. ABC also serves single ladies that have this same philosophy of missions and are called to assist the missionaries in their endeavor to establish Independent Baptist Churches.
- Non-ecumenical Standards: ABC recognizes the importance of remaining separate from churches of different denominations and doctrines that do not follow the traditional Baptist Distinctive. ABC believes in maintaining the boundaries between Evangelical, Pentecostal, Denominationalism and the Independent Baptist churches. To do otherwise is to be part of the emergent, ecumenical movement that is weakening the message of Christ.
- Baptist Distinctive Philosophy: ABC believes that the biblical Baptist DNA should be preserved so the national churches continue with the same sound doctrine. ABC does not believe that this can be accomplished by inclusion of the many, but by the exclusion of ecumenical doctrine, lowering of standards and blurring biblical philosophy. The principle of ‘like begets like’ is applicable to missions today. Missionaries with weak standards, methods and biblical values will produce the same.
Procedure and Philosophy of Discipline
The question has been asked how does the Asian Baptist Clearinghouse handle problems within the missionaries using the Clearinghouse.
It is important to understand that the Clearinghouse is not a mission agency or board that approves, commissions or sends out missionaries. The Asian Baptist Clearinghouse is a service center that processes the financial gifts from the supporting churches to the missionaries on the foreign field. The Clearinghouse recognizes and honors the spiritual authority of the sending church and pastor. When problems arise with a missionary that is using the Clearinghouse, the ABC Office contacts the sending church. The sending church with its spiritual oversight is the proper venue to make decisions and solve
problems of the missionary.
The Clearinghouse works together with a missionary and the sending church, in its capacity as counsel, insight, guidance and encouragement, to maintain and promote missions and the cause of Christ. The Clearinghouse does have policies and guidelines for its own organizational needs. These policies are agreed upon by the missionary and their sending pastor when a family is accepted into the service center of the Clearinghouse. When the Clearinghouse is aware of an issue with a missionary, the problem is referred to the sending pastor. Then the Clearinghouse work with the missionary and his pastor to resolve issues. It is the desire of the Clearinghouse that the mission thrust of the Philippines will not be hindered.
Below are the specific clauses that govern and guide the policy of the Clearinghouse.
ABC Agreement Form
The Missionary agrees to:
1. “1. To uphold the standards of Christian ethics and morality as a representative of the sending church, the supporting churches and the Asian Baptist Clearinghouse; and to avoid criticism of other missionaries associated with ABC.”
Positional Statement
Discipline and Dismissal
When a missionary is associated with ABC he signs and agrees to the following procedure: If a question shall arise concerning the legal, moral, doctrinal, personal character, insubordination to spiritual authority or financial integrity of the missionary, ABC shall ask for a meeting with the sending pastor and if necessary, the two recommending pastors. ABC will give them, and only them, any evidence it has to offer. The missionary is to be given sufficient notice to enable him to attend the meeting, if he desires. If the sending and commissioning church decide to withdraw their recommendation, this agreement will be terminated, and the churches so notified. All future funds sent for that missionary will be returned to the supporting church(es), without further responsibility of ABC to the missionary.
The Clearinghouse also reserves the right to end its relationship with any missionary because of issues that arise due to a breach of policy or that cannot be solved
biblically through the sending church.
At all times it is the heart of the Leadership of ABC to always live and work in unity for the greater propagation of the gospel of Christ.